

The freedom blogosphere is a space for online dialogue and commentary.
Here we publish expert materials, reflections and statements about the protection of freedom of conscience and religion as well as reactions to the current social and political situation. We invite you to read and participate in the discussion!
15 December 2020
Religion and Freedom

I crave freedom above all else! Give me around me wide, open space, So I may kneel low in front of You And to pay homage even lower. Leopold Staff: Freedom   When observing the world of religion, one may wrongly assume that freedom is not a religious category. This conclusion is largely due to […]

1 December 2020
The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 22 October 2020: reactions and perspectives

“This is not a full-fledged decision of the Tribunal, but an arbitrary opinion of the majority of the panel chaired by Julia Przyłębska”, “the judgment must be declared as non-existent due to the improper appointment of the Tribunal in which the so-called doubles were sitting”, or in a more emphatic way: “unconstitutional decision”, “violation of […]

19 November 2020
Freedom of religion in Polish law. Part 2. Civil law

We have already discussed the provisions of the criminal law that protect the freedom of conscience and religion. This time we will check what protection of religious freedom is provided by civil law. Religious freedom is protected by civil law as a personal good. The Civil Code itself does not contain a definition of personal […]

4 November 2020
The new law - the old law, namely about the pandemic, protection of life and religious freedom

For more than half a year, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and its effects on social and economic life has been the number one social topic. In the past week, however, the attention of the public was drawn to another issue - the issue concerning the protection of conceived life. On October 22, the Constitutional Court […]

2 November 2020
The right to life, not to abortion - what has the Court actually decided?

It is possible to disagree with court judgments, arguments can be argued, but the judgments must be respected. This is what the seriousness of the law in a democratic society requires. The judges themselves also have the right to submit their own dissenting or convergent opinions to judgments passed by a majority of votes, which […]

31 October 2020
Who remains silent in the Poland uproar?

Last Sunday synchronized attacks on church institutions started across Poland, motivated by a recent decision by the Polish Constitutional Court and a ban on killing unborn children with certain malfunctions. Activists of various profiles targeted churches, monuments of saints and other buildings associated with the Catholic Church by writing derogatory slogans. Yet what is even […]

29 October 2020
Vulgarisms - an effective tool of violence

In the recent incidents related to the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal on the protection of life at all its stages, the huge amount of vulgarisms used by demonstrators draws attention. Vulgar words and shouting were used to deliberately offend another person or group of people, in this case, Catholics and clergy, politicians, representatives of […]

27 October 2020
Let's seek a wider perspective

Violent social reactions, which occurred in a part of the society after the Constitutional Tribunal had announced the unconstitutionality of abortion for eugenic premises, have showed a deep ideological division of Polish society in the issues of protection of the unborns’ lives. Meanwhile, on October 22, 2020, the Constitutional Tribunal stating that the provisions of […]

20 October 2020
What about school? Freedom of religion and upbringing and education

Religious education at home, religious education at school - for some this issues are obvious, for others controversial. How are these matters regulated by Polish law and what scope of freedom does it assign to children, parents and teachers? The parents' right to bring up their children in accordance with their own religious and philosophical […]

13 October 2020
Instead of ideological attacks on religions – disputes full of ideas!

The word "ideology" is often used in public discourse, explaining the intensity of social controversies when religious symbols are attacked, when someone offends, parodies and interrupts religious celebrations. Ideology is manifested in limiting statements, narrowing down the possibilities of expressing religiosity justified by the existence of "neutral fields" (the essence of secularism), to which religious […]

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Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
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Nicolaus Copernicus University
Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
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