Documented acts of vandalism

The report was prepared and published by the Laboratory of Religious Freedom, to raise public awareness of the wavering situation of religious tolerance in Poland. The media and society are excessively marginalizing the problem of religious violations, which has now contributed to an increase in the number of acts in the sphere of religious freedom, culminating in the absence of any legal intervention. Hence, every support in rebuilding a stable situation is essential.

“Report on violations of the right to religious freedom in Poland in 2020”


The “Report on violations of the right to religious freedom in Poland in 2020” published by the Laboratory of Religious Freedom, is the first study of this type in Poland, that shows the scale of violations of religious freedom in a maximally objective and transparent manner. It refutes the myth about the privileged position of Christians, especially Catholics, in the Polish public space. What distinguishes the report from other such documents is the adopted research methodology based on confirmed media reports. Such an approach to the subject shows that in more than half of the cases of attacks on religious freedom, no legal intervention has been taken to identify the perpetrators and investigate the circumstances of their occurrence, even though, the fact of their offense does not raise any doubts, since the majority of violations concern the devastation of places of worship and insult of a particular religious group. The media coverage is worrying. Moreover, almost every day we hear about a new case of attack on religious freedom in Poland, which raises the question about the state of public and legal awareness in the context of religious tolerance. Hostility towards religion does not strike suddenly and forcefully, but grows slowly, sometimes even imperceptibly, taking on the camouflaged form of violations that were initially downplayed. The report shows that the religious tolerance which has distinguished Poland from other countries for centuries is now wavering. Hence, in a dynamically changing society, there is a need to support, appreciate and partially shape it anew. The project of the Laboratory of Religious Freedom aims not merely to provide assistance to those affected, but first and foremost raise awareness that religious freedom must be nurtured, because only mutual understanding and respect are the key to peaceful coexistence of believers and non-believers.

Report 2023

Piąta edycja raportu ukazuje 102 przypadki naruszeń prawa do wolności religijnej w Polsce mających miejsce w okresie od 1 stycznia do 30 listopada 2023 roku, które zostały podane do wiadomości publicznej za pośrednictwem mediów oraz zgłoszone do Ośrodka Informacyjno-Konsultacyjnego Laboratorium Wolności Religijnej. Podobnie jak latach 2019-2022 najliczniejszą grupę naruszeń prawa do wolności religii w roku 2023, obejmującą 66,92% kazusów skatalogowanych w raporcie, stanowiły akty niszczenia i znieważania miejsc kultu: katedr, sanktuariów, kościołów, cmentarzy i przydrożnych kapliczek. Różnorodność form prześladowań w kategorii tej obejmowała: profanacje (umieszczenie obraźliwych i wulgarnych napisów lub symboli satanistycznych), częściowe zniszczenie mienia, podpalenia, włamania oraz kradzieże dokonywane w miejscach sakralnych.

Drugą ważną tendencją, zarysowującą się w Polsce od roku 2020, jest systematyczny wzrost świadomości osób wierzących na temat przysługujących im form ochrony, co odzwierciedla się w znacznym wzroście naruszeń zgłaszanych właściwym organom ścigania (na Policję lub Prokuraturę). Zdarzenia, w których wierzący odwoływali się do interwencji aparatów bezpieczeństwa państwowego w roku 2023, stanowiły 87,26% wszystkich ujętych w raporcie kazusów. 1,96% aktów naruszeń nie zgłoszono właściwym organom ścigania. W odniesieniu do 10,78% wszystkich kazusów w środkach publicznego przekazu nie podano informacji o stanie postępowania.

Raport 2023

click to download file

Naruszenia podzielono na sześć kategorii:

  • fizyczne ataki na osoby wierzące (duchownych i świeckich),
  • niszczenie i znieważanie miejsc kultu (kościoły, kapliczki, cmentarze),
  • niszczenie i znieważanie symboli religijnych i przedmiotów czci religijnej (krzyże, figurki, obrazy świętych),
  • ograniczanie publicznego wyznawania wiary (złośliwe zakłócanie sprawowania aktów religijnych: modlitwy, liturgii),
  • nawoływanie do nienawiści na tle różnic wyznaniowych albo znieważanie grupy ludności lub jakiejś osoby z powodu jej przynależności wyznaniowej,
  • inne.

Violations of religious freedom in Poland in 2023:

cases of violation​
0 %
to naruszenia wobec katolików
0 %
to zdarzenia zgłoszone na Policję

Report 2022

The presented report reveals 275 cases of violations of the right to religious freedom in Poland between 1 January to 31 December 2020, made public through the media and reported to the Information and Consultation Center of the Laboratory of Religious Freedom.

Report 2022

click to download file

They are divided into seven categories:

  • Physical attacks on believers (the clergy and laity),
  • Destruction and insult of places of worship (churches, chapels, cemeteries),
  • Destruction and insult of religious symbols and objects of religious worship (crosses, figures, images of saints),
  • Restrictions in professing faith in public (malicious interference with the performance of religious acts: prayer, liturgy),
  • Discrimination due to religious beliefs (restrictions of rights because of professed faith),
  • Incitement to hatred on the grounds of religious differences or insult of a population group or some person because of their religious affiliation,
  • Other.

Violations of religious freedom in Poland in 2022:

cases of violation​
0 %
concern the destruction and insulting of places of worship
0 %
are incidents reported to the Police

Report 2021

The following report shows 158 cases of violations of the right to religious freedom in Poland in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021, which were made public through the media or reported to the Information and Consultation Center of the Laboratory of Religious Freedom. 

Report 2021

click to download file

They are divided into seven categories: 

  • Physical attacks on believers (clergy or laity) 
  • Destroying and profaning places of worship (churches, shrines, cemeteries)
  • Destroying and profaning religious symbols and objects of religious worship (crosses, figurines, pictures of Saints)
  • Restricting public profession of faith (malicious disturbance of the performance of religious acts: prayer, liturgy) 
  • Discrimination based on religious beliefs (restriction of rights because of professed faith) 
  • Incitement to hatred on the basis of religious differences or insulting a group of people or a single person because of their religious affiliation
  • Other

Violations of religious freedom in Poland in 2021:

cases of violation​
- 0 %
compared to 2020
+ 0 %
compared to 2019

Report 2020

The presented report shows 280 cases of violations of the right to religious freedom in Poland between January 1 to December 31, 2020, made public through the media and reported to the Information and Consultation Center of the Laboratory of Religious Freedom.

Report 2020

click to download file

The violations are divided into seven categories:

  • Physical attacks on believers (the clergy and laity)
  • Destruction and insult of places of worship (churches, chapels, cemeteries)
  • Destruction and insult of religious symbols and objects of religious worship (crosses, figures, images of saints)
  • Restrictions in professing faith in public (malicious interference with the performance of religious acts: prayer, liturgy)
  • Discrimination due to religious beliefs (restrictions of rights because of professed faith)
  • Incitement to hatred on the grounds of religious differences or insult of a population group or some person because of their religious affiliation
  • Other

Violations of religious freedom in Poland in 2020:

cases of violation​
+ 0 %
compared to 2019
cases between October 22-31

Report 2019

The presented report shows 72 cases of violations of the right to religious freedom in Poland between January 1 to December 31, 2019, made public through the media.

Report 2019

click to download file

The violations are divided into six categories:
  • Physical attacks on believers (the clergy and laity)
  • Destruction and insult of places of worship (churches, chapels, cemeteries)
  • Destruction and insult of religious symbols and objects of religious worship (crosses, figures, images of saints)
  • Restrictions in professing faith in public (malicious interference with the performance of religious acts: prayer, liturgy)
  • Discrimination due to religious beliefs (restrictions of rights because of professed faith)
  • Incitement to hatred on the grounds of religious differences or insult of a population group or some person because of their religious affiliation

Violations of religious freedom in Poland in 2019:

cases of violation​
0 %
are violations against Catholics
0 %
concerned destruction of property
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