rev. dr hab. Cezary Smuniewski (War Studies Academy in Warsaw), „Religious freedom and national security”

rev. dr hab. Cezary Smuniewski (War Studies Academy in Warsaw), „Religious freedom and national security”

Rev. dr hab. Cezary Smuniewski, habilitated doctor of theological sciences and security sciences, associate professor at the War Studies Academy and professor of science and technology at the University of Warsaw focuses on the issues of religious freedom and national security. He presents also the construction of the space of Polish religious freedom and the role of religion in the context of creating national security. Moreover, he considers the relation between personal security, seen from the perspective of national security, and religious freedom. There will also be answers to questions about the potential of the state to build an area of religious freedom and what are the threats to national security resulting from the lack of religious freedom.

Autor: Mateusz Ruta
Date: 3 June 2021
Financed from the means of the Justice Fund, administered by the Minister of Justice.
Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
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Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
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