Religious freedom in student education

Religious freedom in student education

In the third installment of our regular meetings on religious freedom in education, we will talk, inter alia, about: the place of religious freedom in the academic space and its relation to freedom of speech, ways of expressing religious beliefs by contemporary students and manifestations of religious discrimination, as well as challenges that Polish universities pose to young people in the context of their religiosity.

Join the debate on May 22 at 18:00 on our Facebook and YouTube profiles and build a culture of dialogue with us!

To the meeting invites you:

  • Weronika Kudła, Ph.D – debate moderator, expert at the Laboratory of Religious Freedom, lawyer, Italianist
  • Marta Witczak-Żydowo – political scientist, publicist, secretary of the portal and quarterly „Civitas Christiana”
  • Ewa Dryglas-Komorowska, Ph.D – doctor of humanities, university lecturer and high school teacher. Author of the book „Miłosz a malarstwo” („Miłosz and painting”)
  • rev. Rafał Śpiewak, Ph.D – doctor of humanities, historian, lecturer at the University of Economics in Katowice, long-term academic chaplain, priest of the Archdiocese of Katowice

Do you want to ask a question to our guests or share your own observations?
Write to us now or take part in the debate by asking a question in the chat that is shared throughout the debate!

Media Patronage:

We also invite you to participate in the next – the last live virtual debate, scheduled for:

June 22 (Tuesday) at 18:00 – a debate on religious freedom in adult education

Autor: Mateusz Ruta
Date: 5 May 2021
Financed from the means of the Justice Fund, administered by the Minister of Justice.
Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
Gagarin 37/8 street, 87-100 Toruń
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Nicolaus Copernicus University
Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
Gagarina 37/8 street, 87-100 Toruń
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