Professor doctor habilitated Viara Maldjieva, „Verbal Violence Against Believers”

Professor doctor habilitated Viara Maldjieva, „Verbal Violence Against Believers”

Violence is an attack on stability, balance, happiness and the true good of man and family. People experiencing violence in many cases are members of Christian families, most often Catholic. As a significant fact of psychosocial life, religiousness can facilitate or hinder the process of disclosing violence and seeking help.

Prof. dr hab. Viara Maldjieva from Chair of Balkan Studies NCU in recorded for Laboratory of Religious Freedom podcast „Verbal Violence Against Believers” considers in what sense one may speak of violence in the case of language – communication. She draws also attention to the problem of the negative stereotype of the Church and the believer as a manifestation of verbal violence. At last, she discusses the language strategies of negative stereotyping of the Church and believers.

We invite you to listen!

Autor: Mateusz Ruta
Date: 7 October 2021
Financed from the means of the Justice Fund, administered by the Minister of Justice.
Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
Gagarin 37/8 street, 87-100 Toruń
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Nicolaus Copernicus University
Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation
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