Marcin Olszówka Ph.D., Legal aspects of insulting the object of religious worship

Marcin Olszówka Ph.D., Legal aspects of insulting the object of religious worship

Marcin Olszówka Ph.D., lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Łazarski University and expert in the Center for Legislative Analysis of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture, discusses Art. 196 of the Criminal Code:

“Whoever offends the religious feelings of other persons by publicly insulting an object of religious worship, or a place designated for public religious ceremonies, is liable to pay a fine, have his or her liberty limited, or be deprived of his or her liberty for a period of up to two years.”

In this comment, the expert cites possible interpretations of the regulation and gives examples of various forms of insulting the object of religious worship and offending religious feelings. He also refers to well-known violations of this article that have occurred in Poland in recent years.

Autor: Laboratorium Wolności
Date: 16 September 2020
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